Upper valley recruit academy

The Upper Valley Recruit Academy is a three-month academy that is put on once a year during the Fall from September to early December. The academy is based in Leavenworth at Chelan County Fire District 3. Classes are Monday and Thursday with one Saturday class in December at the end of Recruit Academy. Class time starts at 18:00 and lasts 2-3 hours. Lake Wenatchee Fire & Rescue, Chelan County Fire District 3, and Chelan County Fire District 6 send new recruits to this academy to prepare for the fire service and obtain Firefighter 1 skills. Classes are taught by Officers and Firefighters from these three fire districts.

Upper Valley Recruit Academy Graduates

2016 Recruit Graduates: Kyle Olsen, Josiah Norby, Dawson D'Atre, Carl March, David Millard, Jodi Gage, Patrick McGarry, & Drew Sahlinger

2017 Recruit Graduates: Kieran Justus & Deb Wadkins

2018 Recruit Graduate: Mike Pirotto