What is a compliant Campfire in Chelan County?
An outdoor fire burning area for recreational fires
Only natural wood materials other than rubbish can be burned
You must have ALL combustible materials removed down to mineral soil
You must have a containment area of Rock, Metal, Concrete or any other non-combustible material
Shall not be more than thirty-six inches in diameter
All combustible materials one and one-half feet surrounding the fire must be removed
Fuel for the campfire must not extend above the edge of the campfire containment area
Campfires must always be attended by at least one person
You must maintain means to extinguish the fire entirely
Outdoor Fire Pits
An outdoor fire pit should not be larger than 3 feet in diameter by 2 feet in height.
Must be made out of a non-combustible material such as rock, concrete, or metal.

Outdoor Burning Restrictions are in effect June 1st through October 1st :
Burning yard waste, such as leaves, grass, brush and other yard trimmings are prohibited.
Burning to clear land of trees, stumps, shrubbery, or other natural vegetation is prohibited.
Residents may still have campfires so long as the fire is in an approved pit or area.
Restricted open flame devices, meaning using devices liable to start a fire in moderate fire hazard areas
Portable fireplaces are allowed so long as they’re on noncombustible surfaces and burn only natural wood products.
Moderate travel restrictions are also in effect, meaning motorists can’t operate vehicles off the roadway
Campfires in Compliant pits may be allowed during this time, check for current restrictions.
Portable Propane Campfires are usually allowed under these restrictions but can still be dangerous depending on conditions
During a burn ban, fire danger is increased and burning brush, needles or yard waste is not allowed and will be extinguished.

Fireworks are illegal in Chelan County
Please remember that discharge of Fireworks is prohibited in Chelan County (This includes Snakes and Sparklers).

Burn barrels are illegal in WA State.
It is Prohibited in WA State to burn the following materials:​​
Garbage, dead animals, asphalt, petroleum products, paints, rubber products, plastics, paper (other than what is necessary to start a fire), cardboard, treated wood, construction/demolition debris, metal